Our Story

Tetrim Teas
Tetrim Teas was established as a not-for-profit company in 2021, with the aim of working with the community and local growers across Wales to ethically develop more products. We are a family business with Mari managing the business, her nephew Steffan blending the tea and business and community support from Kelly and Helen. And more recently, a dedicated team of six mushroom growers in Carmarthenshire, Gwynedd and Ceredigion.
The idea for Tetrim Teas came from Mari’s previous experience working selling Chinese teas at her Cardiff health spa, she decided to set up a sustainable company based in Wales with an ethical business model using locally-sourced ingredients to organically build a stronger local community.
Recent Years
After deciding to establish a tea company, Mari wanted to build it on ethical and sustainable foundations. She investigated local ingredients in partnership with Aberystwyth University, AberInnovation and BicInnovation.
"As part of this work we discovered a family business on Anglesey that grew rhubarb, where much of the root is discarded each year. We selected this local supply of rhubarb root as the main ingredient for our first tea blend. As a result this brings the product’s carbon footprint down considerably."
"As part of this work we discovered a family business on Anglesey that grew rhubarb, where much of the root is discarded each year. We selected this local supply of rhubarb root as the main ingredient for our first tea blend. As a result this brings the product’s carbon footprint down considerably."
In addition, the tea is blended with quality green tea from the Dartmoor Estate Tea, Tetrim continue to research more local suppliers for all the ingredients, and to build a local supply chain for all aspects of the business.
Tetrim Teas has established a number of community projects.
Tŷ Te Trimsaran Tea Hub has two weekly meetings and a safe place for people to come together over a cup of tea, and to chat or learn Welsh.
A tea growing project in the village school has involved the Eco Committee growing tea plants and will make their own flavoured teas once the plants are ready.
Tea popups are organised to test new flavours and recipes with different communities, aimed as a social gatherings and informing future tea development,